Local spatial development plan and building conditions

consultation workshop with female students 2015

Architectural and construction design and spatial development require compliance with the guidelines. Such guidelines are included in local spatial development plan . If the plot is not included in it, you can apply for a decision on development conditions . Below we present the characteristics of both documents.

Local spatial development plan (Local Development Plan)

Having a plot in the area of ​​local development plan, we have an easier task and the procedure is significantly shortened. The provisions of the plan covered by the acts can be viewed on the Internet on the website of the City Hall (e.g. in Poznań at link ). Reading the provisions on the Internet is enough to start a project. For the building permit, you will need an extract and an excerpt from the local spatial development plan. It is issued by the competent City Hall on an application for an extract and an excerpt from the local spatial development plan . The application must be accompanied by the proof of payment of the stamp duty for issuing the application.
Local Development Plan is characterized by a set of information and guidelines for the design of buildings in a specific area of ​​the site. It often has basic building guidelines:

  • roof geometry and angle of inclination,
  • maximum building height,
  • maximum building area
  • minimum biologically active area (lawns, greenery, geogrid ),
  • width of the front elevation,
  • distance of the building from the plot border,
  • sometimes there is a suggestion of building colors to make the development of the area consistent.

The problem with proof of payment is that we are not always sure what it will be. Supplementing the fee always extends the procedure in time. Therefore, before submitting the application, it is worth finding out from the clerk how much exactly the excerpt and the excerpt from the local development plan will cost.

The duration of this procedure is usually 7-14 days. However, any necessity to supplement the application extends this deadline.

Decision on development conditions (the so-called “WZ-tka”)

This document is obtained at the commune office on a special request. It is key when choosing a project because it defines the rules of what architecture should look like on a specific plot. The application template can be downloaded from the website of the City Offices.
In the decision, we obtain guidelines similar to the local development plan

  • roof geometry (whether inclined or flat), sometimes it is not specified, then it is assumed to be any one, adapted to the neighborhood;
  • the angle of the roof inclination,
  • building height,
  • the maximum building area in relation to the land area,
  • the width of the front elevation;

Interesting fact: The decision on development conditions was to be an auxiliary element in establishing guidelines for a new building structure. In countries with a high level of urban planning, the method of city development and shaping architecture is primarily determined by the spatial development plan . However, a small percentage of areas with established plans in Poland makes the WZ-tka a key document defining the development conditions. This often leads to spatial and functional chaos both in the city and in a small area.

Submission of the application

Before submitting an application for development conditions you should consider what kind of house you would like to have. For this purpose, you can make an appointment with an architect who will advise you on how to arrange the building on the plot. This is a very good solution because you can attach a preliminary house concept prepared by the architect with the application. A suggestion can be made on how to formulate the design guidelines.

Suggesting usually pays off and if our suggestions are in line with the regulations and with the municipal plans, the conditions are given according to our wishes. To check this, it is worth analyzing the study of the conditions and directions of spatial development . Preliminary guidelines for a given area are often included here, which are the basis for local plans and development conditions. The concept may only contain a map with a PZT (land development plan) and a description. However, it is worth asking for the advice of an architect who will professionally prepare a preliminary description of the concept. Unfortunately, the procedure of determining the development conditions is more complicated than in the case of issuing an extract and a sketch of the local plan . It is therefore worth finding out exactly what is required for this procedure at the office.

The application for establishing the development conditions should include:

  • marked boundaries of the area on a copy of the master map, in the absence of a master map in cartographic collections, a cadastral map is sufficient; (if we have a map for design purposes – it can also be used),
  • description of the investment along with the planned method of land development and the characteristics of the development (initial concept in a descriptive form with a drawing of the PZT); demand for energy, water and other technical needs,
  • if you are building a house with a service, please provide the sales area.


Attachments that should be attached to the WZ application:

  • a copy of the master map with the plot boundaries marked, in the absence of the master map in cartographic collections, a cadastral map is sufficient. A copy of the map can be obtained from the appropriate department of the Poviat Starosty (see above),
  • proof of payment of stamp duty,
  • proof of payment of stamp duty for a possible power of attorney,
  • if the investment it is located close to protected areas, a decision on environmental conditions is often required (usually it does not apply to single-family houses),
  • if we have it, it is worth attaching a contract for utilities between the investor and the network administrator.

The duration of this procedure without unnecessary delays resulting e.g. from the need to complete the application is approx. 30 days, in case of greater complexity of the procedure it is extended to 60 days.

​​Note 1:
The plot must have access to a public road to determine the development conditions (in case of when the plot is away from the public road, you should buy a lane that will act as an access road). Also required is at least one adjacent plot of land developed in a way that will allow the development conditions to be determined. In addition, the area must have access to technical infrastructure (e.g. water and electricity, in the absence of a sewage system, a septic tank can be provided). An agreement with the administrator of the network may come in handy here, if the plot has no connections.

Local spatial development plan and building conditions

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