Appearance color types and why are they outdated?

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Film There are two camps in the modern world. Some ask all stylists to determine their color type: spring, autumn, summer or winter, and of course, they already have rough guesses on this score. The latter flatly refuse to follow the “seasons” and offer something of their own. Now I want to tell you why the color types of appearance are outdated and give logical arguments.The theory itself has 2 versions: 4 seasons (spring, summer, autumn, winter) and 12 seasons (more extended). In this article I will refer to the extended version with 12 color types.

First, it is important to understand where the theory of seasonal color types came from. In short, many people were engaged in this, and each of them modified this theory, added something of their own or removed. The form in which this theory has come down to us is the subjective opinion of the last person who worked on it. Of course, seasonal color types are partly true, but can they suit absolutely every person?

To answer this question, you need to dive deeply into the study of color, and only after that a person will be able to take the information he needs from this theory … But this option does not attract masses of people, basically we all just want to quickly find out if this or that color suits us or not, and get a ready-made palette for forming a wardrobe.

color type

Theory seasonal color types are outdated, and that’s why

  1. It doesn’t take actual colors into account. Now we cannot imagine our life without black, gray, gray-brown or white. They are firmly entrenched in the life of a modern person and are already a kind of base. But according to the theory of seasonal color types, these colors are suitable for only 2-3 types out of 12. As a result, the remaining types are forced to plan their wardrobe, excluding these colors.
  2. Theory does not follow trends. Research Center – Pantone several times a year sets the main trend colors for the next season, and every brand in the world, whether it wants it or not, creates its collections and products, relying on the palette offered by this center. That is why, walking into different stores, you might notice very similar models and colors. When the theory of seasonal color types was created, there was no such center, during this time there were very big changes in the field of trade and services, so the theory simply cannot be relevant in the modern world.
  3. And most importantly, every person is unique … You can’t just take and break all the people of the world into 12 color types. The colors proposed by this theory may simply not be pleasant to a person, not suitable for his lifestyle, his goals, character, mood. You cannot tell by the color of the eyes or hair what colors a person should dress in. When choosing the right colors, you need to come from the person himself, and not from the pre-created 12 types.

If you dive into the topic of color in more detail or find a competent stylist , you can find out that only 2-3 colors may not suit a person, and that if they nevertheless turn out to be his favorites, you can beat them, and he will look great in them. There is no need to drive yourself into the frames of colors selected by someone in advance, each person can wear the color he likes.


Appearance color types and why are they outdated?

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