Is it difficult for you to generate results through Digital Marketing?

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What was an objective ended up becoming an obligation: faced with the forced inactivity of most physical establishments, many entrepreneurs and managers saw the digital way out of the crisis that has been accentuated in many countries.

Simply enter any delivery application to see the number of new restaurants, shops and bars that have the “new” label to understand the moment of change we are experiencing. However, if your company is not part of these segments, being online is not as simple as “creating a profile and paying a fee in the app”.

Take a free trial of RD Station Marketing!

A Digital Marketing automation tool. With this test you do not assume any commitment

SEO, lead generation, sales funnel, purchase process … In addition to learning to play a musical instrument, taking care of a company that operates in the digital environment requires dedication and investment of time and resources. In both cases, you know very well what to expect: in the first, pleasant music; in the second, the generation of sales and new contacts during the crisis.

The question is: like learning a new tool, consolidating the Digital Marketing of your company is not a task that can be solved in a few days. But the learning and execution process can be much faster with the support of those with experience.

Since you’ve made it this far, you probably already know everything I said earlier. And you should also know how Marketing Automation and RD Station Marketing can help your company to generate results again in this period of so many uncertainties. The question that is probably resonating within you is: should I hire the tool or not?

Despite knowing how much Digital Marketing, Automation and RD Station Marketing can do for your company right now , feeling this doubt is common; I’d say even human.

According to neuroscience, doubt and uncertainty carry the same emotional burden as an error: the constant need for repair, an exhausting restlessness in the conscious and subconscious search for resolution. Instinctively, insecurity when taking a step into the new is totally normal. Rationally, it is even more human to know how to face this feeling.

As your company cannot wait any longer, the purpose of this publication is to help you face this uncertainty, demonstrating that the process does not have to be faced alone.

Let’s talk about how the implementation of RD Station Marketing with the PRO plan can be done organically with the help of our Implementation team, and how This whole process can begin to guarantee valuable results in the first few weeks of using the tool. Stay with me!

Much more than visits and likes

I’m probably talking about things you already know when I tell you that Digital Marketing is much more than having a responsive website and social media profiles . But it’s always worth remembering that these are two important steps on a ladder to success that only you have the power to decide how to climb.

And, as with all good construction, if you want your stair to come out the way you envisioned, this requires a project. This project, within Digital Marketing, is due to its strategic planning . It is he who will guide your company on the next steps, how to act and even in which channels to invest to achieve results.

It may seem simplistic, but this analogy is totally correlated with the process of implementing Digital Marketing and Marketing Automation in your company . When you need to improve results, it is very important to have the support of those who have experienced the most diverse situations and know the best way to build your staircase.

That’s where our Implementation team takes the lead. Here at RD Station, for example, we have more than 20 thousand clients , from the most diverse segments. You can be sure that we have faced the most diverse situations and challenges over the years when implementing RD Station Marketing.

All this experience at your disposal is the precipice that separates your ladder from being ready in more time than you need. With a team that is prepared to bring examples and good practices of what has worked in businesses similar to yours , you and your Implementation specialist will create a plan ready to generate results in just a few weeks.

Strategies for tomorrow with results for yesterday

As we discussed a bit above, the timing is different from anything we could hope for. No one started planning 2020 with a view to a pandemic that would change people’s consumption habits.

This change was sudden and took many people by surprise: more than 600 thousand companies closed their doors during the first month of quarantine .

But, in order not to be the only bad news person, I have a good one: you are on the right track. According to a survey conducted by ACI Worldwide, Internet sales grew by 209% during the pandemic . This is the best time to go digital.

And, as you may have noticed in the middle of your research, a Marketing Automation tool is the best solution to start this digitization in a more professional way regardless of the size of your company. With the implementation of RD Station Marketing in the PRO plan, you already begin to carry out your Digital Marketing actions in the most optimized way, to generate results in a few weeks.

Next, we share some of the strategies and facilities that RD Station Marketing will provide to get your company back on track in no time:

Create Landing Pages quickly and start publishing them on your social networks

To start generating results in the first weeks after implementing RD Station Marketing, you can use one of the predefined landing page templates that the tool makes available to capture your potential customers.

You can choose between several models already structured to meet your needs, such as Discount Coupon, Budget Request, Content Offer, Promotions, among others, including some specially designed for your segment.

Generar resultados

Some of the various predefined landing page templates

When creating your landing page, there are some advanced settings that allow you to create a title and description to display on social media. So use your creativity to fill in the information and publish your page. Then, simply use the generated link to share on your social channels and start generating Leads for your base.

If you’re not getting your posts out there, consider creating eye-catching offers to make them work organically. You can think of promotions, discount coupons or advance purchase coupons , if your industry is affected by the pandemic.

If you are not inspired to create your landing page, check out some examples with conversion rates above 40% .

You don’t need to be an HTML expert, but if you want, you can edit your Landing Pages

Generar resultados

If you didn’t understand any of the above, this is the HTML for a colored text box. So you can imagine what a lead capture website or Email Marketing looks like.

With the implementation of RD Station Marketing, this group of characters is no longer a concern for your company. In addition to having several predefined landing page and email marketing templates , you can easily edit or create them from scratch using drag and drop.

Do you want a button? Drag the button to the exact place you want it to be. Do you want to change the background color? Just choose the one you want the most!

Now, if you are one of those who say good morning in HTML, the tool allows you to further explore the possibilities in your creations with the option of inserting codes. The sky is the limit.

Generar resultados

Landing page editor with various customization options on the left side

Capture the contact of your website visitors with the WhatsApp button and the Pop-ups tool

With some very simple setups, you can start converting your website visitors to Leads, from day one after implementing RD Station Marketing.

The WhatsApp Button and the Pop-up Creator can be two very valuable for your strategy.

Configuring the WhatsApp Button is very simple. You only need to fill in the number to which you want to forward the conversations and voila: button ready to receive conversations from your contacts! It can be very useful to generate results in a short period of time, as you can see in our material → ” WhatsApp in practice “.

The button will look like this on your website, just click on your customer, fill in the fields and start a conversation:

Generar resultados

Now, for those who think the pop-ups are dead, our customers have a very different opinion (and with proven results ).

As with email marketing and landing page builders, pop-ups also have a drag-and-drop feature, making it easy to build. If you wish, there are also predefined templates, divided into exit pop-ups (when the user drags to close the window) and scroll pop-ups (when the user has already scrolled by a predefined value on their page) to speed up even more his creation.

Generar resultados

You can create pop-ups with forms, which makes it even easier to capture new contacts and include them on all the pages of your website or only those you consider most appropriate.

Increase your email marketing conversions by 40%

After implementing RD Station Marketing, you can start working on your existing contacts with automatic Email Marketing triggers, simply by inserting your leads into the tool. With just a few clicks, all your existing contacts are at your disposal to obtain the highest quality campaigns, created from the RD Station Marketing email editor.

Generar resultados

The contacts, within your database, can be classified in different ways through tags, for example. These tags and other information can be used to create segmentations.

Generar resultados

Create segmentations based on different characteristics of your Leads

These lists can be used to bring you personalized photos of your contacts. As the title of this topic says: targeted emails generate approximately 40% more conversions . You have this functionality to increase the effectiveness of your communications from the beginning of your process with RD Station Marketing.

Time is money

«Hello Siri. Remind me at 9 am on Sunday to send the Mother’s Day email ».

“It is not necessary, because with the implementation of RD Station Marketing you learn to schedule the sending of your emails in advance and you no longer need to ask me to remind you of this kind of thing.” It’s not the official answer, but it would help a lot of people if it were!

Generar resultados

RD Station Marketing screen showing how to schedule a post

Create automation flows and take the next step with your Marketing Automation strategy

In the first weeks, after implementing RD Station Marketing, it is possible to start taking the next steps in your automation strategy with the creation of simple flows.

Genrar resultados

In the previous example, created within RD Station Marketing, each user who converts in the Landing Page: «Tips to be a Macroentrepreneur», will enter an email flow and receive 2 more messages during a period of 4 days. After 2 days, an email will arrive to offer the lead content related to one of the tips in the eBook (purchase ERP software), and another 2 days later, an email to contact a company executive.

Here, unlike Email Marketing, each user will be affected by the messages of the conversion made. It is a much closer and more personalized relationship strategy. It is the best? Custom automation flows convert 4x more!

There are many other possibilities to build your automation flows besides those presented in the previous example.

Make the most of RD Station Marketing

As you can see, an automation tool like RD Station Marketing is a great blank page to unleash your creativity and put your strategies into practice , whatever the size and segment of your company.

But no one here expects you to know how to exploit the potential of the platform as soon as you acquire it for your company.

In addition to this publication, there are hundreds of other content made available by RD Station in the format of educational materials , posts on our blog and help center , which will help you better understand the possibilities that RD Station Marketing can bring to your business. All in Spanish!

In fact, is much better when customer service speaks your language , in every way. With a dedicated strategic support team, you can answer your questions about the tool, as well as what strategies can help you achieve the results you want. If the new scares you, even a little, you can be sure that you will not be alone.

With the implementation of RD Station Marketing in the Pro plan, you will also have the support of a specialist focused and specialized in the implementation of the tool, who will guide you during the first six weeks of using the tool in scheduled meetings.

In the first few meetings, you can review your strategy and understand how RD Station Marketing can amplify your results.

Throughout the process, you’ll be able to explore the tool further, learn new ways to generate more leads, and how to advance them through your sales funnel more effectively.

And, after the initial six week implementation period for RD Station Marketing, continue to rely on dedicated strategic support for your future campaigns, during your stay with us.

How RD Station Marketing Strategic Implementation Consulting works

Investing in RD Station Marketing implementation is much more than investing in an automation tool. The support has a strategic planning for you to be successful through our product.

We know that at a time full of uncertainty like the one we are living in, tools and contracts that do not generate value for your company make no sense.

Therefore, it is part of the essence of our team to ensure that you can make the most of RD Station Marketing to get around this situation as soon as possible. We are committed to bringing real benefits to your company:

  • Guarantee an adaptation with the tool in an accelerated way: with the support of specialists who have extensive experience and a methodology in the implementation of RD Station Marketing that has already been brought results for thousands of companies, the process of planning and executing your Digital Marketing strategy becomes much faster.
  • Advice from a specialist in the area of ​​your company: our consulting team is made up of specialists who have supported many companies in the construction of their strategies and the achievement of results rapid. You will be assigned a specialist who understands your industry and who will help you develop an implementation plan for RD Station Marketing.
  • Make the most of your tool: for six weeks, our RD Station Marketing implementation specialist will accompany you in practical applications in the use of the tool. From the first meeting, you start to get your hands dirty and you can generate results in the first weeks.

I know. Working at RD Station Marketing may make you think I’m exaggerating. Okay, I get it and I don’t take it personally. Therefore, I bring the story of a client who achieved real results, to give an idea of ​​what you can expect from us .

How Goobec Mexico increased its enrollment by 35% thanks to Digital Marketing

Goobec México is a School of Digital Marketing and Certification courses. 10 years ago, Google created Goobec México to certify and train brands and Marketing Agencies in the online advertising media it offered.

One of Goobec’s problems was that many of the potential students it received were not yet ready to buy any of its courses / certifications. This caused a saturation of the sales team, which created a deficiency in the follow-ups and closure of new clients.

There was a need to find a 360º platform that was capable of creating Marketing Automation processes. Automation allows you to “filter” all the prospects that are captured with the different Marketing efforts and serve a greater number of potential students in less time and at a lower cost for the company.

By applying this “filter”, the times of the sales area are optimized and it is possible to give priority to the prospects who are ready to buy. And in parallel, the public is kept informed and updated on the commercial offer, attracting possible students who were only considering buying.

In this quest to meet this need, they meet the RD Station team in Mexico. The Goobec team thus found a platform that, through automation, allowed them to do segmentations, lead scoring, as well as email marketing efforts, in one place.

“The consultant was extremely patient and knew how to understand the moment of our company. She didn’t just pick up a manual and start reading to us. She had every concern to understand our moment, what our objective would be and, together with me, she designed the best way to extract the full potential of the tool. I am sure that we are not using even 50% of the full potential, but later we will ” .

Oscar Cruz Tabares , Director of Goobec

Thanks to these efforts, the company’s enrollment grew 20% in the first year and 35% in the second year. They also doubled the number of leads received and the closing of sales was optimized, by granting more qualified opportunities to the commercial team.

Learn more about the Goobec case here .


At this point, I hope I have collaborated so that your doubts and uncertainties have been answered. But while the article shows how implementing RD Station Marketing Pro plans is a safe and guided process that can deliver impressive results to your business, don’t forget that your instincts can still go further.

Betting on the implementation of a Marketing Automation strategy will never stop being a novelty until you carry out the process .

The moment calls for courage to face a situation never seen before and, adapting a very popular message, we can say that “new challenges require new adaptation measures.” Tim Ferris, a famous American writer, once said that ” most people choose to be unhappy than to be insecure “. Don’t be one of them!

Your company will thank you. And in the future, you will too.

Take a free trial of RD Station Marketing!

A Digital Marketing automation tool. With this test you do not assume any commitment


Is it difficult for you to generate results through Digital Marketing?

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